Ontwikkeling en validatie van een stochastisch windbelastingsmodel. Deel 3. Validatie
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ECN rapport
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The validation of a model of normal wind conditions for wind turbinedesign fatigue load calculations is described. The model is proposed in
volume 1 of this report, based on stochastic wind field simulation, complies
with the IEC 1400-1 standard and should be accepted by the Dutch Design Code
as an alternative for the gust model of the Dutch Handbook Wind Data for Wind
Turbine Design, Version 3. To validate the wind load model fatigue life time
load spectra of the blade root bending moments are calculated for three
turbines ranging from 150 kW to 1 MW. These load spectra are compared with
measured load spectra and calculated load spectra based on the Dutch
Handbook. Additional comparisons are made with Handbook load spectra of five
other bending moments, viz. the blade bending moments at mid span, the
tilting moment at the top and the base of the tower and the tower torsion
moment. It is concluded that the wind load model based on the IEC 1400-1
standard is capable of producing reliable design load spectra which compare
well with measurements and Handbook calculations if: (1) at least the two
horizontal velocity components of the turbulent wind field are simulated; (2)
the von Karman turbulence model is used; (3) the exponential coherence
function proposed in Annex B of the IEC 1400-1 standard is used for the
longitudinal component; and (4) the exponential coherence function proposed
by the 'Engineering Science Data Unit' (ESDU) is used for the transversal
component. Furthermore, it is highly recommended to base the load spectra on
at least six realisations and to include the spatial wind speed variations in
longitudinal direction when the turbine is yawed. 41 figs., 18 tabs., 20 refs.
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