Risico-normering vervoer radioactieve stoffen: een voorstel voor een stralinghygiënische optimalisatie bij vervoer
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ECN rapport
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The possibility to use the regulations for the transport of hazardousmaterials for the risk assessment of the transport of radioactive materials
is studied. In chapter 2 the possible risk sources (sender, transporter and
receiver as standard source or legal entity, and road, rail and vehicle as
monitoring sources) of the transport of radioactive materials are listed and
compared. In chapter 3 a selection of those sources is presented and
discussed, while the selection is evaluated in chapter 4 on the basis of
existing results of risk analyses. It has been decided to choose for the
option standard source, in which the sender/producer, receiver or distributor
is the legal entity, responsible for the protection of the population for
radiation exposure from the regular transport of radioactive materials. With
respect to the risk of accidents during transport, it is recommended to use
the regulations for road transport of hazardous materials. 3 figs., 16 refs.
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