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ECN publicatie:
Evaluation of the Fifth international course on the implementation of windenergy, ECN, April 22 - May 3, 1996
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1996
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--96-056 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
38  Niet beschikbaar.

This fifth course was attended by 16 participants from 9 differentcountries. The overall objective of the training course is to assist in building up a human resource infrastructure for countries considering, or starting with, wind energy implementation. Relevant aspects of the implementation process are treated in this course, passing through subsequent phases of the implementation process. The educational target is to pass experience and know-how on to decision makers and project managers from government bodies, electricity producers or distributing companies. The course is also useful for industrialists already engaged in implementation projects, scientists, consultants, etc. Duration of the course is two weeks. The course programme includes six days of tutorial lessons and exercises, and four days for practical work and excursions. The course programme follows the phases which the implementation of wind energy in a region or country will pass through. Especially the subjects planning of wind energy systems, pre-investment studies, technology assessment, production, installation, maintenance and training are highlighted. Several didactical working methods are applied: lectures, audio-visual presentations, discussions, computer model demonstrations, cases, exercises, practical work and excursions. Teaching modules include exercises to ensure active class participation, while practical work at test fields and excursions to wind farms and manufacturers, enhances an effective transfer of knowledge. In view of the conclusions it is recommended to continue with this course at Petten in the coming years, for the same target group course programme. The next (sixth) course is scheduled at the end of April 1997. 1 appendix, 4 refs.

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