Unsteady aerodynamic data: an analysis of available datasets [ECN-C--95-058]
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ECN rapport
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Eight sets with data from wind turbine rotor aerodynamics experimentswere available at the start of the DS3D project, including aerodynamic
quantities under steady, unsteady, two-dimensional and three-dimensional
conditions. The datasets were analysed in terms of contents and application.
The contents descriptions address the quantities, the conditions and the
facility. Also the features and the availability are described. The
application descriptions deal with the work performed by ECN on five
different models or methods. It was found that most datasets reveal the
effects of rotation (stall delay), provided the data is properly averaged. On
the other hand, scatter in the data obscures the effects of unsteadiness
(dynamic stall), in particular for field data. Consequently, most of the data
could be applied to stall delay models, whereas dynamic stall models required
selecting test cases with a small amount of scatter. 1 tab., 28 refs.
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