PHATAS-III user's manual: Program for Horizontal Axis wind TurbineAnalysis and Simulation version III
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ECN rapport
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The title program is developed for the calculation of the dynamicbehaviour and the corresponding loads on a Horizontal Axis wind Turbine (HAT)
in time domain. The program is in particular appropriate for the analysis of
the dynamic loads in the main parts of the HAT structure with emphasis on the
structural dynamic degrees of freedom including structural damping. All
mutual interactions of the structural dynamic degrees of freedom as well as
the interactions with the aerodynamic loads are fully described. Major
additions of the program PHATAS-III with respect to PHATAS-II are: an
optional correction on the airfoil properties for the 3D effects due to the
span wise pressure gradient and the centrifugal loads on the boundary layer;
structural damping for blade bending deformation; an option for the
aerodynamic influence (stagnation) of a lattice tower; an optional model for
the instationary and skewed inflow effects of the wake; option to read SWIFT
wind data files with 3D turbulence components; flexible gearbox support with
torsional stiffness and damping; models for instationary synchronous and
asynchronous generator characteristics. Chapter 2 of this manual contains a
description for using PHATAS. The input variables are described in chapter 3.
The output properties and the use of the postprocessor 'phpost' are described
in chapters 4 and 5, respectively. The program PHATAS has three routines in
which control algorithms, generator characteristics and specifications for
transient conditions can be linked to the code. A description of these
routines, their parameter lists and some included files with common blocks is
presented in chapter 6. Finally, chapter 7 contains some remarks on the
limitations of PHATAS and on some numerical aspects of the calculations. Two
examples of the use of PHATAS are included in appendix A, which are based to
a large extent on the wind turbine model as described by the default values
of the input properties. Appendix B contains a description of some tools
provided with PHATAS that can be used for processing of the output data. 26
figs., 9 tabs., 2 appendices, 11 refs.
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