Noise from wind turbines: final report of project JOU2-CT92-0124
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ECN rapport
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Part of the planning procedure for the erection of a wind turbine or awind farm is the prediction of the acoustic noise due to the wind turbine(s)
at the nearest dwelling. The noise is normally predicted using the acoustic
characteristics of the regarded wind turbine as measured on a wind turbine of
equal make and model and using a general noise propagation model. Both inputs
introduce uncertainties in the predicted noise level: (a) turbines of equal
make and model may have different acoustic characteristics; (b) the acoustic
characteristics of a turbine may change in time - from day to day
(repeatability of the measurement), - during the years (ageing of the
turbine); (c) the general propagation model does not take into account the
effects of source elevation and wind. The project aimed at the quantification
of these uncertainties and at the development of a wind turbine noise
propagation model. Statistical information has been collected on the
individual differences of the sound power and tonality of turbines of equal
make and model by measuring 6 different types of wind turbines. Of each type
5 individual turbines have been measured (total 30 turbines). Additionally
the sound power of a series of 4 wind turbines and of a series of 29 wind
turbines (from earlier measurements) have been introduced into the project.
Statistical information has been collected on the day to day variations of
the sound power and tonality of wind turbines by measuring 3 different
turbines 5 times (total 15 measurements). Statistical information has been
collected on the effect of ageing on the sound power and tonality of wind
turbines by the repeated measurement of 5 wind turbines that have been
measured in an identical situation 3 to 7 years earlier. A method for the
prediction of wind turbine noise propagation has been developed based on
measurements of sound propagation from an elevated noise source and
theoretical calculations. The developed Wind Turbine (WT) noise propagation
model has been validated by simultaneous measurements of emission and
immission of the noise from wind turbines. 3 tabs., 7 appendices, 3 refs.
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