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ECN publicatie:
SiteChar – methodology for a fit-for-purpose assessment of CO2 Storage sites in Europe
Delprat-Jannaud, F.; Pearce, J.; Akhurst, M.; Nielsen, C.M.; Neele, F.P.; Lothe, A.; Volpi, V.; Brunsting, S.; Vincké, O.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-9-2015
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-W--15-050 Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
Aantal pagina's:

Gepubliceerd in: Oil & Gas Science and Technology (IFP Energies nouvelles), , 2015, Vol.70(4), p.531-554.

The FP7-funded SiteChar project examined the entire CO2 geological storage site characterisation process, from the initial feasibility studies through to the final stage of application for a CO2 storage permit based on criteria defined by the relevant European legislation. The SiteChar workflow for CO2 geological storage site characterisation provides a description of all elements of a site characterisation study, as well as guidance to streamline the site characterisation process and make sure that the output covers the aspects mentioned in the European Community (EC) Storage Directive. Five potential European storage sites, representative of prospective geological contexts, were considered as test sites for the research work: a North Sea multi-store site (hydrocarbon field and aquifer) offshore Scotland; an onshore aquifer in Denmark; an onshore gas field in Poland; an aquifer offshore in Norway; and an aquifer in the Southern Adriatic Sea. This portfolio combines complementary sites that allowed to encompass the different steps of the characterisation workflow. A key innovation was the development of internal ‘dry-run’ permit applications at the Danish and Scottish sites and their review by relevant regulatory authorities. This process helped to refine the site characterisation workflow, and aimed to identify remaining gaps in site-specific characterisation, needed to secure storage permits under the EC Storage Directive as implemented in ‘host’ Member States. SiteChar considered the important aspect of the public awareness and public opinions of these new technologies, in parallel to technical issues, on the onshore Polish and offshore Scottish sites. A new format to assist public opinion-forming processes was tested involving a small sample of local communities. Generic as well as site-specific information was made available to the general and local public via the internet and at information meetings. These exercises provide insight in the way implementation of CCS project plans may be perceived by local stakeholders, and inform approaches to develop effective local communication and participation strategies. Key lessons from the research conducted in SiteChar were developed as technical recommendations for storage site characterisation and best practice guidance for storage permitting from the perspective of both applicant and regulator. A best practice guide for policymakers and regulators at Member States and European levels, potential storage site developers and operators has been presented.

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