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ECN publicatie:
Cost and revenue related impacts of integrating electricity from variable renewable energy into the power system - A review of recent literature
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-5-2014
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-E--14-022 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
52 Download PDF  (1091kB)

The major purpose of the paper is to review a set of recent publications on the cost and revenue related impacts of integrating rising shares of electricity from variable renewable energy (VRE) in the power system. More specifically, besides discussing some methodological issues on assessing VRE integration impacts and costs, the paper review some thirty recent publications on different categories of VRE integration impacts and costs, including (i) balancing impacts and costs, (ii) grid-related impacts and costs, (iii) system adequacy impacts and costs – and, finally, some VRE-induced impacts on wholesale electricity prices, generators’ revenues and the profitability or competitiveness of VRE and non-VRE generators.

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