Energy Neutral Districts in 2050 - the Dutch Approach
Jablonska, B.; Roossien, B; Ruijg, G.J.; Visser, H; Willems, E.; Bakker, E.J.
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According to the EPBD, from the end of 2020 on all new buildings should be built as nearly zero
energy buildings.
Instead of focusing on buildings only, a district approach to energy supply and consumption can be
advantageous as regards the energy performance and economics. The potential of renewable energy
technologies can be utilized to a larger extent while fewer energy generators are needed. An example
is a so called energy-hub, in which exchange, conversion and seasonal storage of energy can lead to
energy neutral districts before 2050. The Dutch study Transition in Energy and Process for a
Sustainable District Development (Transep-DGO), financed largely by the AgentschapNL, has shown
that this is possible.
For energy neutral district development in 2050, six innovative energy concepts have been elaborated
and the extent of energy neutrality in 2020, 2035 and 2050 calculated.
Three concepts are based on an idea of an energy hub - bio hub, geo hub and a solar hub. Other
concepts are all-electric, conventional and hydrogen concepts. Calculations show that implementation
of each of the concepts can lead to energy neutral districts in 2050 or even earlier. When personal
transport is included, energy neutrality in 2050 is not feasible.
Based on the six general concepts, the most optimal energy concepts tailored for four Dutch cities
have been elaborated as pilots, in close cooperation with municipality representatives.
Solar hub has been dynamically simulated in order to show the added value of the exchange,
conversion and storage of energy flows on a district scale. Energy Pattern Generator (EPG) has been
applied for simulation of a virtual district with 1,000 dwellings of various categories.
A solar hub with collective heat storage can reduce the demanded storage capacity by 26%, and the
total required solar collector surface by 30% at maximum compared to individual seasonal heat
storage capacity in dwellings that are not connected in an energy hub. Energy hub concepts can
contribute considerable to energy neutral built environment in 2050. The effect can be intensified by
an exchange of surplus sustainable energy with neighbouring districts and import of energy in case of
a shortage.
Keywords: energy neutrality, district, energy concept, energy hub, all-electric, district modeling
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