A survey of solutions and options for the integration of distributed generation into electricity supply systems
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Energy & Environment (Multi-Science Publishing co Ltd), , 2004, Vol.Vol.15, No.2, p.323-332.
Since a number of years the role of distributed generation (DG)
technologies, connected directly to distribution networks, is emerging
because of its expected flexibility in increasing generation capacity,
its environmental benefits, and due to advancements in technology development.
DG facilities are now connected at sites that were originally not meant
to connect a large number of power generation facilities. This can increase
the burden on the distribution network in terms of stability and power
quality. At the same time existing network regulation does not enable
a proper valuation of costs and benefits. Two European research projects
aim to tackle these issues from a both technical and socio-economic
viewpoint. The conclusion is that to facilitate a major increase of
the DG share in electricity supply systems, a proper allocation of costs
and benefits between different functions in the electricity system (generation,
trade, transmission / distribution, consumption) will be necessary.
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