ECN publicatie:
Synergy in the approch to climate change and acidification : perspectives for energy and mobility in the Netherlands in 2030. Background report to the fifth National Environmental Outlook and the Netherlands fourth National Environmental Policy Plan
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-11-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-106 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
38 Download PDF  (435kB)

In its fourth National Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP4) to be issued in 2001, the Dutch government will deal with the most persistent current environmental problems, including greenhouse gases and acidifying emissions. Energy and mobility needs will have to be met within the limits indicated for providing a healthy and sustainable society. This has been translated into national emission targets for 2030 and used by RIVM and ECN to inventory six perspectives for reducing emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2, VOC and fine particles. These are: changing the economic structure, modifying behaviour/consumption patterns, efficiency improvement, renewable energy, clean fossil energy sources and nuclear energy. The maximum potential for 2030 and the cost were estimated per perspective. Several combinations were made for achieving the targets. For CO2 it would appear that at least 75% of the maximum potential of the perspectives collectively will need to be realised. Leaving out one or more perspectives nearly always means that the potential of the remaining perspectives will need to be fully realised. Achieving the targets for NOx seems impossible unless new advanced technologies like the fuel cell become available. The realisation of all targets can be concluded as not implying achange in society, but certainly a dramatic transition in the energy supply structure. As for making choices between the different perspectives, it will be hard to base them on cost arguments due to the great uncertainty in this respect.

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