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ECN publicatie:
INTRACERT : inception report: the role of an integrated tradable green certificate system in a liberalising market
Boots, M.G.; Schaeffer, G.J.; Zoeten, C. de; Mitchell, C.; Anderson, T.; Morthorst, P.E.; Nielsen, L.; Gual, M.; Del Rio, P.; Cadenas, A.; Hernandez, F.; Kühn, I.; Bräuer, ; Stronzik, M.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-12-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-085 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
167 Download PDF  (2189kB)

The InTraCert project aims to explore the possibility of integrating theexisting and planned Tradable Green Certificate (TGC) schemes in the European Union and, therefore, creating a plausible unified market for TGCs. Particular attention will be paid to the possibilities of integrating TGCs for green electricity, heat and gas. Furthermore, it intents to examine the possible interactions arising from such a system with more direct GHG abatement measures, i.e. Carbon Emissions Trading (CET). The scope of the InTraCert project requires specific information for EU-15 countries regarding, on the one hand, Renewable Energy Sources (RES) used for electricity, gas and heat generation and. on the other, GHG emission levels and national strategies. In order to account for this information need. specific country inventories have been designed and carried out by InTraCert members in this first phase of the project. The inventory shows that Belgium, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and the UK seriously want to implement a TGC system. The systems will indeed be nationally oriented; hardly any provisions for international trade in the different TGCs will be put in place. An essential prerequisite for efficient cross border trade is agreement on the carbon credit that comes with RE production. What is the size of the carbon credit and will this credit be attached to the TGC while traded? These will be the main questions to be answered in the next phase of the InTraCert project. 8 refs.

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