Combined heat and power action plan : policy action plan for promotion of combined heat and power production in the Slovak Republic to 2010
Wees, M.T. van; Raad, A. de; Dougle, P.G.; Battjes, J.J.; Maly, M.; Kodytek, Z.; Cizek, ; Cohen, P.; Mercer, D.; Yellen, D.; Vazac, V.; Synek, P.; Henelova, V.; Vich, J.; Sitny, P.; Mikula, L.; Herich, S.; Bella, M.
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Combined heat and power is well established in the Czech and SlovakRepublic, especially in the district-heating sector. The current share in
total electricity production is about 19% in the Czech Republic, and 11% in
the Slovak Republic. Both governments aim to support CHP for reasons of
energy efficiency improvement and, to some extent, mitigation of CO2
emissions. However, different barriers hamper the further penetration of CHP.
Therefore, this study aimed to support the Czech and Slovak government in the
formulation of CHP policy The project has delivered three documents: a
background document (ECN-C-00-042) and national Action Plans for the
promotion of CHP in the Czech and Slovak Republic, respectively
(ECN-C-00043/044). The Action Plans will provide policymakers in the Czech
and Slovak government with concise information on potentials, priorities, and
recommended policy actions
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