Kyoto mechanisms : the role of joint implementation, the clean development mechanism and emissions trading in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
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ECN rapport
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This study analyses the potential role and impact of the Kyoto Mechanisms- i.e. joint implementation, the clean development mechanism and emissions
trading - in meeting the commitments of Annex I countries to limit their
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the period 2008-2012. It is based on a
quantitative analysis that covers all GHGs, all Kyoto Mechanisms and all
major countries and regions of the world within an integrated, bottom-up
model framework. The role and impact of the Kyoto Mechanisms in limiting GHG
emissions depend on a large variety of factors, notably (a) national
differences in emission reduction requirements, potentials and costs, and (b)
the specific characteristics of each Kyoto Mechanism - including its relative
advantages and disadvantages - as determined by the specific guidelines,
rules and procedures regarding its operation. These factors are discussed in
the first, qualitative part of the report. The second, quantitative part
analyses the trade and cost effects of the Kyoto Mechanisms for a large
variety of countries and regions of the world. It shows that these effects
may be very substantial. If Kyoto Mechanisms may be used unrestrictedly,
Annex I countries will meet, on average, 70 to 90% of their reduction
requirements by means of foreign transactions. As a result, global abatement
costs will tumble from 76 billion US$ 'before trade' to 1.5-10 billion US$
'after trade' (i.e. after relying on the Kyoto Mechanisms). 35 refs.
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