Energy demand and supply in Bulgaria and Haskovo region: technical report for the Phare Project 'Energy concept/regional energy centre for the pilot region of Haskovo'
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The analysis of the collected data presented provides a characterizationof the energy supply and energy demand in relation to socio-economic
activities in the region of Haskovo, Bulgaria, in comparison with the
national situation. Physical, economic, demographic or other indicators have
been used to characterize energy consumption by service in consumer
categories and to assess both regional and national energy balances. The
Haskovo region locates the Maritsa East mines which produce about 70% of
national coal production and are considered to be profitable. The mines
provide lignite to the main briquette factory in the country, in Galabovo,
and to three thermal power plants which generate almost one third (40 PJ) of
the national electricity production. The power plants are in unsatisfactory
condition, but rehabilitation seems likely and profitable. The rehabilitation
plans include flue gas desulphurisation measures, which are necessary:
approximately half of the national SO2 emissions and more than 90% of Haskovo
SO2 emissions originate in Maritsa East complex. Regional energy demand and
fuel mix are quite similar to those of the country as a whole and dropped 60%
over the period 1990-1993 to a level of 36 PJ. The share of industry in final
energy demand decreased from 77% to 68%. Haskovo industry can be
characterised as about 20% less energy intense than the national industry.
However, this is not due to a more energy efficient production but due to a
different sectoral structure of industry. Industrial branches which are well
developed in the region are food, textile, chemicals, and machinery. Due to
low prices of heat and electricity and worsening economic conditions, final
energy intensity is increasing again after having dropped substantially. In
the industry in Haskovo, energy intensity increased alarmingly, due to a
recovery and thus relative increase of energy intense chemical and basic
metal industry. Based on estimated energy saving potentials due to high
volume of energy demand and relatively high specific energy consumption,
municipalities have been prioritized as a background for the bottom-up
assessment of municipal energy saving potentials. A socio-economic
characterization of municipalities, made by the Regional Office in Haskovo,
served as an economic context for prioritization. 38 figs., 22 tabs., 14
refs., 5 appendices
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