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ECN publicatie:
Brandstofverbruikende installaties bij de industrie: basisjaar 1990
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1995
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--95-052 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
21 Download PDF  (1423kB)

The primary aim of the so-called Emission Registration Individual (ER-I)databases is to record the emissions per source. The source for fuel consuming installations consists of the chimney. Descriptions of the installations behind the chimney are also given. The databases are processed and analyzed to quantify the fuel consumption of the Dutch industry (Fuel-ER) and contain data on the type of installations, installed capacities, the fuel consumption and the applied fuels. Up to now 5 inventories were carried out. The availability of processed and analyzed databases of the last two inventories resulted in the publication of this report. Also a trend analysis of the 5 inventories is presented. After an overview of the number of industries in the different inventories of the Fuel-ER, the different types and capacities of the installations are discussed. Five main groups can be distinguished: steam and hot water systems; furnaces; kilns, ovens and dryers; power systems and engines; and other (indirect and direct). In the last chapter the input of fuels is outlined. 3 figs., 13 tabs., 8 refs.

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