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ECN publicatie:
Global Energy Assessment, Chapter 11: Renewable Energy
Turkenburg, W.; Sinke, W.C.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 23-11-2012
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-B--13-016 Boek(hoofdstuk)
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
140  Niet beschikbaar.

Gepubliceerd in: Global Energy Assessment, Chapter 11: Renewable Energy, 761, 900, 9781 10700 5198, Cambridge University Press.

Renewable energy sources – including biomass, geothermal, ocean, solar, and wind energy, as well as hydropower – have a huge potential to provide energy services for the world. The renewable energy resource base is sufficient to meet several times the present world energy demand and potentially even 10 to 100 times this demand. This chapter includes an in-depth examination of technologies to convert these renewable energy sources to energy carriers that can be used to fulfi ll our energy needs, including their installed capacity, the amount of energy carriers they produced in 2009 , the current state of market and technology development, their economic and fi nancial feasibility in 2009 and in the near future, as well as major issues they may face relative to their sustainability or implementation.

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