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Publicaties van auteur Vanapalli, S. 
Vanapalli, S.; Tijani, M.E.H.; Spoelstra, S.;
Thermoacoustic-stirling heat pump for domestic applications
ECN-M--10-071 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Montreal, Canada, 1-5 augustus 2010.
Tijani, M.E.H.; Vanapalli, S.; Spoelstra, S.;
Design of a mechanical resonator to be coupled to a thermoacoustic stirling-engine
ECN-M--10-072 EN september 2010; 7 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Montreal, Canada, 1-5 augustus 2010.
Vanapalli, S.; Tijani, M.E.H.;
Coaxial thermoacoustic Stirling integral system: Cooler driven by a two-stage engine
ECN-M--10-005 EN februari 2010; 8 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 14th International Stirling Engine Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, 16-18 november 2009.