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Publicaties van auteur Vonka, V. 
Hoornstra, J.; Vonka, V.; Kalshoven, J.; Meijer, T.;
Correctie voor straling en geleiding bij open-thermokoppels
ECN-I--95-009 NL april 1995; 43 pag.
Vonka, V.; MIDDLETON, D.W.; Ruiter, A. de;
Experiments in the HAW project : data report ECN contribution January-June 1992
ECN-C--93-020 EN 1993; 118 pag.
Vonka, V.; MIDDLETON, D.W.; Ruiter, A. de;
Experiments in the HAW project : data report ECN contribution July-December 1992
ECN-C--93-095 EN 1993; 127 pag.
Vonka, V.;
Experiments in the HAW project : progress report ECN contribution 2nd half 1992
ECN-C--93-056 EN 1993; 17 pag.
Vonka, V.; MIDDLETON, D.W.; Ruiter, A. de;
Experiments in the HAW project : Data report ECN contribution July-December 1991.
ECN-C--92-075 EN 1992; 124 pag.
Vonka, V.;
Experiments in the HAW project : progress report ECN contribution 1st half 1992.
ECN-C--92-071 EN 1992; 18 pag.
Vonka, V.;
Experiments in the HAW project : Progress Report ECN Contribution 2nd half 1991.
ECN-C--92-056 EN 1992; 17 pag.
Vonka, V.;
GMS measurement of B1 liner deformation = ECN-I--92-043
ECN-I--92-043 EN 1992; 136 pag.
Vonka, V.;
Salt pressure derived from GMS-B1 measurements = ECN-I--92-044
ECN-I--92-044 EN 1992; 51 pag.
Vonka, V.;
ECN-B--91-003 NL 1991; 0 pag.
Duijves, K.A.; Vonka, V.;
Progress report of the ECN contribution to the experiments in the HAW project. : 2nd half year 1990.
ECN-C--91-003 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Duijves, K.A.; Vonka, V.;
Progress report of the ECN contribution to the experiments in the HAW project. : 1st half year 1991.
ECN-C--91-052 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Rij, H.M. van; Vonka, V.;
Feasibility study of COCOS, condensation of containment atmosphere on structures.
ECN-I--90-016 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Vonka, V.; Rij, H.M. van;
Measurement techniques for sensible and latent heat transfer coefficients during wall condensation, a feasibility study.
ECN-I--90-017 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Duijves, K.A.; Vonka, V.;
Progress report of the ECN contribution to the experiments in the HAW project. : 4th Quarter 1989.
ECN-C--90-001 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Duijves, K.A.; Vonka, V.;
Progress report of the ECN contribution to the experiments in the HAW project. : 1st quarter 1990.
ECN-C--90-036 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Duijves, K.A.; Vonka, V.;
Progress report of the ECN contribution to the experiments in the HAW project. : 2nd quarter 1990.
ECN-C--90-057 EN 1990; 0 pag.