Environmental properties and potential for utilisation of MSOR stabilised in a bioreactor
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Gepubliceerd in: Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 4-8 October 1999 (), , , Vol., p.-.
Prompted by the potential utilization of the final product, the emphasisin this study is on the leaching properties of the final product from MSOR
after biological degradation in a bioreactor. Characterization leaching tests
such as the pH dependence test and a column test have been carried out to
assess the long term leaching behaviour of the final product in comparison
with the starting material. Leaching of metals proves to be largely dictated
by DOC in solution. Besides existing criteria on acceptable release in given
scenarios (construction/disposal) DOC generation in leachate can provide a
useful additional criterion to limit release. 4 refs.
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