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ECN publicatie:
Contributions ECN Biomass to 'Developments in thermochemical biomass conversion' conference: 17-22 September 2000, Tyrol, Austria
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN BM 1-7-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-RX--00-026 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
87 Download PDF  (2313kB)

Biomass is considered as an important, and maybe the most important,energy source for this century. An aspect of biomass is that this renewable source can produce liquid (bio) fuels. The most optimal chain to produce these liquids might be the combined production of the liquids and electricity and heat: tri-generation. The overall efficiency for the generation of energy biomass is higher than for conventional biomass gasification. The production of Fischer-Tropsch (FT) liquids is today the most optimal route for producing liquid fuels. FT diesel is directly applicable in the existing infrastructure and is free from sulphur and aromatics. For the demonstration of integrated systems ECN focuses on two lines of development: (1) large-scale dedicated installations for imported biomass and (2) small- to medium scale for local biomass and wastes. In a large plant (with a price for biomass of 3.6 Euro/GJ) electricity can be produced for 0.05 Euro/kWh and diesel for 0.22 Euro/litre (6.0 Euro/GJ). The overall efficiency of the FT synthesis will be circa 62% and the energy flows for electricity and fuel are about equal. For small-scale systems the local situation will determine the cost figures. 18 refs.

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