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Publicaties van auteur Broek, K.M. 
Broek, K.M.; Dekker, N.J.J.; Coletti, G.;
Successful Module Hot Spot Testing of 120 ppma Carbon Contaminated Silicon Feedstock
ECN-M--16-042 EN juni 2016; 3 pag.
Broek, K.M.; Bennett, I.J.; Kloos, M.J.H.; Eerenstein, W.;
Cross testing electrically conductive adhesives and conductive back-sheets for the ECN back-contact cell and module technology
ECN-W--15-001 EN april 2015; 8 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2015, Ed.67, p.175-184.
Guillevin, N.; Gutjahr, A.; Geerligs, L.J.; Anker, J.; Bende, E.E.; Bennett, I.J.; Koppes, M.; Kossen, E.J.; Okel, L.A.G.; Slooff, L.H.; Broek, K.M.; Späth, M.; Tool, C.J.J.; Aken, B.B. van; Romijn, I.G.; Jianming, Wang; Ziqian, Wang; Zhai, jinye; Zhiliang, Wan; Shuquan, Tian; Zhiyan, Hu ; Gaofei, Li ; Bo, Yu; Jingfeng, Xiong ;
High efficiency n-type metal wrap through cells and modules using industrial processes
ECN-M--14-049 EN september 2014; 6 pag.
Beaucarne, G.; Broek, K.M.; Chislea, Brian; Yanghai, Yu; Wei, Jason; Zambova, Adriana; Bennett, I.J.;
Study of compatibility of silicone-based electrically conductive adhesives and conductive backsheets for MWT modules
ECN-W--14-035 EN september 2014; 7 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2014, Ed.55, p.444-450.
Hongfeng Lin, ; Zhe, Qiu; Kaiyin, Cao; Liyan, Zhao; Xianzhi, Chen; Wei, Long; Beaucarne, G. voorvoegsels; Peng, Wei; Chislea, Brian; Yanghai, Yu; Zambova, Adriana; Broek, K.M.; Bennett, I.J.; Bakker, J.; Ommen, N. van; Frederikze, E.;
Durable MWT PV modules made using silicone electrically conductive adhesive and an automated assembly line
ECN-V--14-002 EN maart 2014; 7 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Photovoltaics International (PV-Tech), 2014, Ed.March 2014, p.24-30.
Broek, K.M.; Bennett, I.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Eerenstein, W.;
Light and current induced degradation in p-type multi-crystalline cells and development of an inspection method and a stabilization method
ECN-M--12-053 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Jong, P.C. de; Broek, K.M.; Kloos, M.J.H.; Späth, M.; Nieuwenhof, M.A.C.J. van den; Steijvers, H.L.A.H.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.;
Beyond 16% efficient back-contact modules using Mc-Si wafers and conductive adhesive interconnection technology
ECN-M--07-016 EN januari 2007; 0 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, 3-7 september 2007.
Broek, K.M.; Jong, P.C. de; Kloos, M.J.H.; Nieuwenhof, M.A.C.J. van den; Bots, T.L.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.; Steijvers, H.L.A.H.;
Testing Interconnections using Conductive Adhesives for Application in PV Modules
ECN-RX--06-033 EN september 2006; 6 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Dresden, Germany, 4-8 september 2006.
Meuwissen, M.; Nieuwenhof, M. van den; Steijvers, H.L.A.H.; Bots, T.L.; Broek, K.M.; Kloos, M.J.H.;
Simulation assisted design of a PV module incorporating electrically conductive adhesive interconnections
ECN-RX--06-039 EN september 2006; 6 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Dresden, Germany, 4-8 september 2006.
Hoornstra, J.; Broek, K.M.; Granek, F.J.; Schubert, G.; LePrince, C.; Whal, G.; Lenkeit, B.; Horzel, J.;
Lead free metallisation for silicon solar cells: results from the EC2Contact project
ECN-RX--05-017 EN juni 2005; 4 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 6-10 juni 2005.
Hoornstra, J.; Broek, K.M.; Granek, F.J.; Schubert, G.; LePrince, C.;
Lead Free Metallisation Paste for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells: From Model to Results
ECN-RX--05-025 EN 2005; 4 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 3-5 januari 2005.
Broek, K.M.; Kinderman, R.; Hackmann, M.M.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.; Bots, T.L.; Buijs, J.A.H.M.; Tanck, O.B.F.; Schuurmans, F.M.;
Technical feasibility study on polycarbonate solar cells
ECN-RX--04-101 EN mei 2004; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: PDF document only in scanned format available (increased size) (), , Ed., p.-.
Brieko, M.W.; Broek, K.M.; Laarhoven, J. van; Michiels, P.P.;
Soldeertechnieken voor het maken van elektrische verbindingentussen zonnecellen
ECN-RX--95-001 NL 1995; 18 pag.