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Publicaties van auteur Zsolnay, E.M. 
Zsolnay, E.M.; Nolthenius, H.J.;
On the quality of the uncertainty information in the International Reactor Dosimetry File IRDF-90 : (version June 1992)
ECN-I--93-019 EN 1993; 112 pag.
Nolthenius, H.J.; Zsolnay, E.M.; Szondi, E.J.;
Testing of the IRDF-90 cross-section library in benchmark neutron spectra
ECN-RX--93-093 EN 1993; 10 pag.
Zsolnay, E.M.; Nolthenius, H.J.;
Test of the IRDF-90.V.1. reactor dosimetry library.
ECN-I--91-004 EN 1991; 0 pag.