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ECN publicatie:
Quality control of the VBM waste stabilization process by short leaching tests shortly after setting in close connection with long term leaching behaviour tests
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1-4-1999
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-RX--99-014 Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
Aantal pagina's:

Gepubliceerd in: Presented at International Conference on Waste Stabilization & Environment, Lyon, France, 13-16 April 1999 (), , , Vol., p.-.

For quality control purposes in waste stabilization plants, tests with ashort turn around time are needed to allow timely changes in plant operation. The characterization leaching tests, currently specified in the Building Materials Decree, likely to be implemented in the Disposal Decree, take several weeks to perform and are therefore not suited for this purpose. In the current study, a scheme of testing has been developed, in which characterization leaching tests form the basis for the ultimate decision making, but where short tests are used in connection with these more elaborate testing methods to allow timely changes in the plant operation. An additional aspect of this approach is the option to carry out the testing relatively shortly after setting, as a 28-day delay before carrying out a 1-2 day test is not an improvement in test turn-around time. A further benefit of the characterization (extended with pH dependence) is the reduction in parameters that need to be tested on a routine basis as the risk of exceeding the critical regulatory levels for several constituents can be shown to be marginal within the limited number of recipes in operation. The rationale of the testing scheme and results of the quality control under normal operating conditions are presented. 8 refs.

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