Comparison of pH static leach test data with ANC test data
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Within the framework of the CEN TC 292 Working Group 6, the developmentof a standardised method for the determination of the pH dependence of
leaching has been taken as a work item. Two main methods qualify for this
activity: a pH static test, in which the pH is controlled continuously, and
an Acid Neutralisation Capacity test, in which the amount of acid or base
required to reach a final pH is added right at the beginning. For two
materials, sewage amended soil en stabilised Municipal Solid Waste
Incinerator fly ash, a comparison between these two methods is made. This
comparison is generally good considering the difference in leaching behaviour
of the two materials and the agreement for a wide range of elements.
Differences in leaching behaviour in the pH domain 6-8 between pH-stat and
ANC method are discussed. The possible uses of the pH dependent leaching
behaviour as obtained by these tests is discussed. 17 figs., 1 tab., 11 refs.
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