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ECN publicatie:
Een overzicht van mogelijke HTGR-GT systemen voor produktie van elektriciteit en warmte: met technische beoordeling van geschiktheid voor een kleine Nederlandse W/K centrale
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--97-045 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
35  Niet beschikbaar.

There is a large number of different configurations for the combinationof a closed cycle gas turbine (CCGT) system and a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). Based on the results of a literature survey an overview of such configurations is presented and a comparison is made for their appropriateness for a small cogeneration system (<60 MWt) to be used in the Netherlands. However, most cycles can only be applied for large-scale energy production or supply heat on a too low temperature level. The direct, recuperated cycle is the only suitable cycle, while that cycle is a simple system and shows an acceptable electric and total efficiency. Calculations were carried out for the co-production of hot water (75-125C and 40-70C) and for steam (10 bar, 220C). By means of a static model and an optimizer the feasible efficiencies for different heat demand are determined. The maximum electric efficiency is 42% for the co-production of hot water and 38% for the co-production of steam. 28 refs.

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