Technical and economic feasibility of decentralized gasification systemsfuelled with energy crops
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Within the framework of a cooperative project on decentralized biomassgasification systems, willow SRF energy crop has been gasified in the ECN
down draught test facility. The gasification experiments are carried out
successfully. The produced fuel gas has a calorific value of 5.8 MJ/nm3, no
tars were found in the gas (only light hydrocarbons) and the determined cold
gas efficiency is 75%. On the basis of these experimental results and
information from hardware suppliers a global set-up for a 50 and 500 kW
system has been made. An economic evaluation of these systems, using input
from the Institute for Plant Fibre Research CPV and the DLO Institute of
Agricultural and Environmental Engineering IMAG on biomass fuel cost, showed
that an economic feasible exploitation is not possible as a consequence of
the high fuel cost. The calculated cost of electricity COE is >0.10 ECU/kWh
for the 500 kW, system and >0.15 ECU/kWh for the 50 kWe system. Application
of combined heat and power and agricultural waste in stead of energy crops
can improve the economics in a positive way. 1 fig., 6 tabs., 4 refs.
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