Plug-and-play liquid PV thermal panels - integrated design for easy manufacturing and installation
Timmerman, M.B.; Bakker, M.; Reinders, A.; Meer, T. van der
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Efficiency & Infrastructure
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Gepresenteerd op: 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 7-12 juni 2009.
A photovoltaic-thermal panel or PVT panel simultaneously
generates heat and electricity. This paper reports about
the design of a new PVT panel by paying specific attention
to user requirements, costs, manufacturing, building
integration and installation. The panel’s technical aspects
and energy performance where also optimized. The result
is a plug-and-play liquid PVT panel which consists of a PV
laminate glued on top of a plastic channel absorber. The
panel is covered by a plastic layer to reduce heat losses. It
is equipped with four connection points which enhance the
flexibility of the positioning of PVT panels on a tilted roof.
Because of this feature the installation process will be
simplified and installation costs will be decreased. Since
part of the production process can be automated,
production costs can be decreased as well. In Western
Europe at an irradiation of 1000 kWh/m2.year, the PVT
panel is expected to yield about 100 kWh/m2 of electricity
and 1.0 GJ/m2 of heat.
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