Enhancing direct-fired power plants performance by the use of gas turbine technology
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Gepubliceerd in: Keynote lecture at the 2nd International symposium on advanced energy conversion systems and related technologies RAN '98, Nagoy (), , , Vol., p.-.
The maximum temperature of a gas turbine cycle is considerably higherthat that of a steam turbine cycle; however, the gas turbine rejects heat at
temperatures far above the ambient level. By combining the high-temperature
gas turbine cycle with the medium-temperature steam cycle, a high overall
efficiency can be reached. Modern combined-cycle plants obtain an LHV
efficiency of almost 60% with relatively moderate parameters of the steam
bottoming cycle, while direct-fired steam plants with supercritical pressures
and temperatures still operate under the 50% efficiency level. This paper
addresses ways of improving the performance of direct-fired steam plants by
integrating a gas turbine within an existing steam plant. These include
utilization of the gas turbine exhaust as a heating medium, combustion air,
and as fuel. Repowering schemes for a waste incineration plant are given,
along with repowering by the use of a partial oxidation gas turbine and an
externally-fired gas turbine. The results of a performance analysis are
presented. 22 refs.
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