The role of IGCC in CO2 abatement
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Gepubliceerd in: Paper presented at the 'Third international conference on carbon dioxide removal (ICCDR-3)', MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, (), , , Vol., p.-.
IGCC technology per se involves the potential of highest efficiencies,thus reducing the CO2 output accordingly. Moreover, the intermediate stage
of synthesis gas makes it possible to remove most of the carbon compounds
before combustion with acceptable additional auxiliary power demand. The
separated CO2 stream is of highest purity and therefore suited for disposal
e.g. in the deep sea or for reuse in chemical syntheses. So, methanol
synthesis based on power plant CO2 has been investigated. The paper presents
the results of a pre-basic design for a coal-fired 300 MW-class IGCC power
plant with methanol production using an external H2 sources. Based on a
Siemens Model V94.3A gas turbinegenerator, the standard IGCC has been
equipped with plant components including CO shift reactors, CO2 scrubber,
methanol synthesis reactors and distillation unit; additional investment
costs amount to approx. 25 percent. This concept is based solely on proven
process engineering methods. Primary energy utilization as well as the
resulting methanol production costs based on appropriate generating costs are
discussed. Comparative CO2 emission figures make the advantage of such a
coproduction process regarding this perfectly clear. 4 figs., 1 tab. 3 refs.
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