The inclusion of Mo, Nb and Ta in Pt and PtRu carbon supported electrocatalysts in the quest for impreved CO tolerant PEMFC anodes
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Gepubliceerd in: Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier), , , Vol., p.-.
The effect of the inclusion of Mo, Nb and Ta in Pt and PtRu carbon supportedanode electrocatalysts on CO tolerance in proton exchange membrane fuel
cells (PEMFC) has been investigated by cyclic voltammetry and fuel cell
tests. CO stripping voltammetry on binary PtxM / C (M: Mo,
Nb, Ta) reveals partial oxidation of the CO adlayer at low potential,
with PtMo(4:1) / C exhibiting the lowest value. At 80 ºC, the operating
temperature of the fuel cell, CO oxidation was observed at potentials
close to 0 V vs. RHE. No significant difference for CO electro-oxidation
at the lower potential limit, compared to PtRu / C, was observed for
PtRuMy / C (M: Mo, Nb). Fuel cell tests demonstrated that
while all the prepared catalysts exhibited enhanced performance compared
to Pt / C, only the addition of a relatively small amount of Mo to PtRu
results in an electrocatalyst with a higher activity, in the presence
of carbon monoxide, to PtRu / C, the current catalyst of choice for
PEM fuel cell applications.
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