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ECN publicatie:
Improved Gasifier Availability with Bed Material and Additives
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 2-7-2013
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-M--13-011 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
9 Download PDF  (809kB)

In order to valorize several feedstock, gasification is one of the technologies developed over the past decades. ECN developed the MILENA gasifier. In order for MILENA to become a commercial success, the gasifier needs to be feedstock flexible, robust and economically sound, operating with high availability. One of the characteristics of MILENA is high efficiency but with a higher tar content, compared to some other Dual Fluidized Bed (DFB) gasifiers. In order to reduce the issues that are associated with high tar levels in the product gas, the effect of a number of primary measures was studied. This paper presents results obtained in the last two years, focused on improving the gasifier availability by conducting experiments in a 25 kWth lab scale MILENA gasifier. Amongst others, gas composition, tar content and calorific value of the product gas were compared. Scanning Electron Microscope analysis were used to investigate bed material changes. Results show that Austrian olivine can be activated by Fuel B as well as by Additive A & B. The water-gas shift reaction is enhanced and the tar content is reduced significantly, especially the heavy tars that dominate the tar dew point. Activated olivine has a calcium-rich layer. The results show that with MILENA, we are able to lower and control the tar dew point, which will possibly increase the availability of a MILENA gasifier.

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