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ECN publicatie:
Modelonderzoek naar het compactiegedrag van nat zoutgruis: stage-verslag
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN NUC 1-12-1998
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--98-044 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
31  Niet beschikbaar.

A number of models, which can describe the compacting behavior of wetsalt grit, are described. The models are based on the simple cubic stack of identical grains. In the final condition (0% porosity) the grains will all be cubic-shaped. The start form of the grains varies for the different models. For all the models the starting point is that the volume of the grains will be the same during the evolution of the start form towards the final cubic form: during the compaction process mass will be preserved. It appeared that the model of Poley describes best the experimental creep data. The model starts from a simple cubic stack of diamant-shaped grains (regular 24-facets). 5 refs.

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