Substitutie van elektriciteit bij wasmachines en drogers: energetische en kostentechnische beschouwing
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Some possibilities for the substitution of electricity for washingmachines and dryers by other energy carriers, e.g. heat and natural gas, are
described. The following machines have been compared with their conventional
competitor: (1) Washing machine: A. connected to hot water supply system, or
B. connected to central heating system; (2) Dryer: A. condensing dryer,
connected to central heating system, B. dryer with air deduction, connected
to central heating system, and C. gas fired dryer. The machines connected to
the hot water system as well as the ones connected to the central heating
system can use heat supplied by a high efficiency boiler or can use heat from
a heat distribution grid. The different machines have been compared for their
primary energy use, the emissions, the costs for the customer and the costs
for the distribution company. With respect to energy savings the calculations
show possible savings of 20-70%. For the washing machine it is concluded that
the one connected to the central heating system saves more than the one
connected to the hot water system. The payback period for the customers
varies between 5 and 13 years. This period is shorter than the estimated
lifetime of 15 years but it does not provide a strong stimulus to buy these
machines. The payback period diminishes with an increase of the frequency of
use. For the distribution company the substitution of electricity by natural
gas or heat means less revenues. The costs for machines fed by heat
distribution vary between 35-50 Dutch guilders per ton CO2. The machines fed
by heat from a high efficiency boiler in houses connected to the gas grid
cost about 150-175 Dutch guilders per ton CO2. 2 figs., 12 tabs., 10 refs., 2
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