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ECN publicatie:
Application of sustainable energy on the island of Bonaire. Phase 1 : inventory of sustainable energy options
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN SF 1-12-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--00-002 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
62  Niet beschikbaar.

The Government of Bonaire has defined a policy which aims for asustainable economical development of the island. Part of this policy is to amplify the ecological appearance of the island in order to create new impulses for eco-tourism. Within this framework the water and energy company of Bonaire (WEB Bonaire) is being asked to investigate the possibilities for production of energy in a more sustainable way than the present situation. At present the energy supply of the island is fully provided by diesel fuel engine driven generator sets. An additional advantage of a more sustainable energy supply system will be that the economy of Bonaire becomes less dependent on fluctuating world market fuel prices. Energy efficient alternatives for conventional energy services usually appear to be most cost effective to save energy and reduce fossil fuel use. Although the application of energy saving options is not the primary responsibility of WEB, but more of the local authorities and individual consumers, certain areas for energy savings are addressed in the study. Interesting areas for energy saving will be 'lighting' and 'cooling'. Other areas may be 'use of water' and 'household appliances'. The inventory and assessment of renewable energy option indicates that the feasibility of a number of options are doubtful for various reasons. Options, which are part of this category, are the use of landfill gas and biogas, combustion, gasification and pyrolysis of biomass/waste, OTEC, a wave energy based power station and solar thermal based power stations, viz. parabolic trough, power tower and solar dish/engine. From the scarce data available, no clear picture arises for the solar pond. Useful options appear to be wind turbines, solar photovoltaic systems and (small-scale) solar thermal collectors. The results of the current inventory suggest that further investigations and activities with regard to the transition of the Bonaire energy supply system, from a fossil based system to renewable based system, should focus on: development and implementation of sustainable energy saving measures; use of wind energy, solar photovoltaic energy and (small-scale) solar thermal energy

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