Effectiviteit van de HR-ketel als energiebesparingsmaatregel: berekening van de milieuwinst en kosteneffectiviteit
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The environmental benefits (CO2 and NOx reduction) and the costeffectiveness of replacement of old and inefficient boilers by condensing
boilers in existing dwellings are analysed. Replacement of inefficient
boilers by condensing will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 2.3 Mton.
The analysis shows that especially in the rental sector, a potential of 0.8
Mton exists for CO2 reduction, due to the low penetration rate of the
condensing boiler amounts to 24%, which give a potential for CO2 reduction
of 1.3 Mton. Furthermore, a comparison of cost effectiveness has been made
for the condensing boiler, wall insulation, loft insulation, glass
insulation, floor insulation and a solar power heater. The cost effectiveness
of the condensing boiler as well as cavity wall insulation amounts to about
-200 Dfl/ton CO2, meaning that it is a profitable investment from the
consumers point of view. However, installment of cavity wall insulation is
currently not a favoured option in existing dwellings, due to problems with
the stability and indoor air quality. Instead of cavity wall insulation, more
often insulation is applied to the outer side of the wall. However, outside
wall insulation is about 8 times more expensive than cavity wall insulation.
The cost effectiveness of HRglass amounts to about 100 Dfl/ton CO2 for
consumers. The other energy saving options considered have a cost
effectiveness of over Dfl/ton CO2. 21 refs.
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