Certificatie kleine windturbines: toetsing certificatiesysteem
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ECN publicatienummer:
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ECN rapport
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Conclusions of the verification of procedures and criteria constituting adraft certification system for small wind turbines are presented. The system
has been tested on a small wind turbine type (LMW 1500). The assessment
consisted of a design assessment and a number of tests. The design assessment
has been completed satisfactorily. However, the tests were seriously hampered
by a number of unfavourable circumstances, due to low wind conditions during
the period in which the wind turbine was available for testing and due to
technical problems with the wind turbine. As a consequence, it is not
possible to draw definitive conclusions on the applicability and suitability
of the proposed testing procedures. More research and development efforts are
required to fine-tune the proposed certification system into a marketable
product. The two appendices contain the English texts of the ECN memos
'Certification investigation small wind turbine system LMW-1500' and 'System
for certification investigation small wind turbines. Summary of test results
LMW 1500'. 6 refs.
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