Het project 'Dynamic stall and 3D effects': een samenvatting
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ECN publicatienummer:
Publicatie type:
ECN rapport
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Niet beschikbaar.
During the years 1994-1996, ECN has been involved in the title project.The main goal of this project was to reach a validated engineering method for
the prediction of aerodynamic force coefficients on rotor blade sections,
under dynamic stall conditions. This goal was to be attained through a
three-pronged approach: (1) analysis of existing measurements and definition
and execution of additional measurements; (2) application of flow field
solving computer programmes as a means of separating different effects; (3)
development, testing and validation of so called 'engineering methods', in
the form of (systems of) ordinary differential equations that can be
implemented in aero-elastic response programmes. Within this project, a large
number of reports was produced. The purpose of the present report is to give
a critical resume of these and to indicate what specific information can be
found in the different publications
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