CO2 exchange between grassland and the atmosphere: results over a four year period of CO2 measurements at Cabauw, the Netherlands
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In order to evaluate the CO2 exchange between grassland and theatmosphere a monitoring programme was carried out on a grassland site in the
Netherlands. The measurements took place within the framework of the Dutch
National Research Programme on global air pollution and climatic change. ECN
has measured the CO2 exchange over grassland on a clay-peat soil for 4 years
at a site called Cabauw. A smaller dataset on the exchange over peat soil was
obtained at Zegveld, which is, as Cabauw, located in the centre of the
Netherlands. The dataset that is obtained is used by the Wageningen
University to construct and validate a grassland model, with the final goal
to better identify one of the important missing aspects of the complex
problem of climate change. 30 figs., 17 tabs., 18 refs.
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