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ECN publicatie:
Technologisch raamwerk voor een optimale energie-infrastructuur: energievoorziening in het land over de Waal, Nijmegen
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1997
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--97-030 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
41 Download PDF  (239kB)

Different options are described for the energy infrastructure in the area'Land over de Waal', near Nijmegen, Netherlands, in which 11,200 new houses are to be built. The aim of ECN is to assist in the political decision making process. Five options have been compared with a reference technology. The reference technology is a high efficiency boiler. The options are respectively a gas engine with heat distribution, an individual electrical heat pump with a gas burner for peak supply, an individual electrical heat pump with electricity for peak supply, an electrical heat pump with heat distribution and a natural gas fired heat pump with heat distribution. The options were compared by means of an ECN-developed, so-called technological framework. In this framework different options can be compared on the aspects of primary energy use, CO2 emissions and acidifying emissions. Furthermore costs are calculated, both for the households as well as for the distribution company. An important parameter in these calculations is the reference system to be used for determining the characteristics of electricity. The calculations show that all options save energy, but that the amount of savings very much depends on the characteristics of the installations and how the system is dimensioned. The results also show that the options described all are more expensive then the reference system. It has become clear that at this moment the community council should not make the choice for one option for the total area, but that the choice is made at the right time based on the right information. 2 figs., 9 tabs.

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