Development of flexible tools for technical and economicassessment studies of clean coal technologies: fourth progress
and final report: contract PSO, projectno. 92.113/056588 [ECN-C--
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Integral ASPEN models of clean coal technologies have been developed,especially for integrated coal gasification combined cycles (IGCC) for power
generation plants, based on the different gasification technologies. These
integral models are made up of sub-models for the constituting sub-systems
(processes) of IGCC power generation plants. Both the sub-models as well as
the integral ASPEN models are being validated as far as possible with data
gathered from literature and equipment (process) suppliers. By means of the
flexible technical and economic tools the feasibility of clean coal power
generation technologies in Poland can be assessed on a sound basis. Based on
preliminary assessment studies, described in the previous progress reports,
both the Shell entrained flow gasification process and the British Gas Lurgi
fixed bed slagging gasification process have been identified as efficient and
promising processes for the gasification of Polish coal. The project was
concluded with an economic assessment which was based on the technical
assessment studies for the two conceptual designs. The coal rank used for
gasification has severe impact on the specific investment costs (USD/kWe).
For better coals specific investment costs are lower and economic feasibility
of the overall IGCC plant is better than for low rank coals. For the same
coal type, the specific investment costs differ to a lesser extent with the
gasification technology used and also to a lesser extent with the gas turbine
used. The advantages of particular technology should therefore be defined
through a more detailed specific location study, taking in account the
supplying conditions proposed within the bidding. The feasibility of an IGCC
for power production is not sufficient at the current comparative conditions
in Poland. Only at priority conditions for electricity sell, the IGCC power
generating plant is a feasible technical option. There are, however,
promising prospects for further IGCC plants construction in Poland, based on
the locally available coal fuel 5 figs., 12 tabs.
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