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ECN publicatie:
Power for the world: a common concept: study 1: EBEREAS
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1996
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--95-037 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
67  Niet beschikbaar.

The objective of the title project is to elaborate a concept for thesupply of electricity from renewable energy sources to non-electrified areas in developing countries. Excellent examples of renewable energy application in developing countries and bad examples (abbreviated EBEREAS) are selected and described, according to a common format: Aureka AV-55 wind pumps in India; Autonomous wind diesel system (AWDS) at Cape Verde Islands; Wind pump project in Sri Lanka; LMW wind turbines in Mauretania; LMW wind battery chargers in Uttar Pradesh, India; and Bergey 10 kW wind battery chargers in West BenRal, India. The selection of the applications has been made based on the following considerations: a lot of experience has been collected; a lot of feed-back has been obtained; the selected projects cover a variety in technology and application; involvement of Europe and The Netherlands in the projects. Although not generating electricity, mechanical wind pumping systems are included because they replace electrical pumps, and supply an energy service to the users. 3 figs., 3 tabs., 36 refs.

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