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ECN publicatie:
Laboratorium onderzoek naar de invloed van reducerendeeigenschappen op het emissie-gedrag van industrieslakken in oeverbeschermingen
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1995
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--94-094 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
166  Niet beschikbaar.

A bench-scale investigation of the leaching performance of industrialslags (phosphorus slag, furnace slag, steel slag, and mining stones). The main subject was to study the impact of the chemical properties (in particular the reducing capacity) of such materials on the leaching when applied in bank revetments. Also attention has been paid to the up-scaling of the the bench-scale experiments to field tests. Quantitative data are compiled of the leaching performance for different pH-values, the leaching process under reducing and under oxidizing conditions, the determination of the emission speed of S-species, oxidation and neutralization by air, boundary condition phenomenons, the reducing capacity, and the composition of the slags. Also a modelled calculation (spread-sheet) of the progress of the redox and the pH in a testing facility has been executed for circa one year. By means of a chemical speciation model (MINTEQA2) it has been investigated which mineral phases in the slag determine the leaching process. 52 figs., 21 tabs., 8 appendices, 26 refs.

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