Schatting van de bijdrage van secundair organisch materiaal aan PM10
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This report provides a very first estimate of the magnitude of thecontribution of secondary organic carbon to the concentration of fine
particle mass (PM10) in the Netherlands, via an extrapolation of information
gained in a literature search. Secondary organic carbon aerosol (SOC) is
defined here as condensed organic material formed in the atmosphere by
oxidation of organic gases. A major part of the literature used comes from
the US and the LA-Basin. Much less information is available for Europe, and
virtually nothing is known about the situation in the Netherlands. The
information pertains mainly to the amounts of SOC but to a lesser extent also
to organic carbon aerosol. From the measurements available in Northwest
Europe, the contribution of total organic carbon to PM10 is estimated to be
20% (give or take 10%) in urban areas. In rural areas the contribution is
somewhat higher, at an estimate of 25% (give or take 10%). The estimate of
the contribution of SOC to PM10 is characterized by much uncertainty. A first
estimate is that the contribution is 5-10% in urban areas and 5-20% in rural
areas. It should be stressed that there are errors in the values used for the
estimates here which are associated with artifacts during collection of the
aerosol for analysis. The uncertainty in the reported values of some 50% is
based on a number of studies on these artifacts in the US. Therefore, a more
conservative estimate of the contribution of SOC to PM10 is 3-15% in urban
areas up to a maximum of 3-30% in rural areas. A clear seasonal variation is
observed for SOC, however, relative to total PM10 this variation is small.
Only in episodes of photochemical smog the contribution is appreciably
larger, in particular in the afternoon hours. Little is known about the
sources. Two important sources were found: an important anthropogenic source
is gasoline-powered vehicles, an important biogenic source is wood. 49 refs.
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