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ECN publicatie:
Energy: Inspiration for the future
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 5-12-2011
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-B--11-023 Boek(hoofdstuk)
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
96 Download PDF  (2014kB)

Gepubliceerd in: Inspiration for the future.

This book collects views on the future of a number of energy-related issues. Renewables are the fastest-growing energy source but are coming from a low base. What does it take to have them make a difference? Marc Londo and Wim Sinke give their views on biomass and solar energy, respectively. Piet Boonekamp reflects on studying the energy future for the Netherlands and concludes that despite all our efforts there has been limited progress towards a secure, affordable and clean energy supply. However, in any energy future, energy savings is a no-brainer. Pieter Boot analyses the ambition and progress on a sustainable energy system in four North-western European countries, and how coordination between them could help transition. Dolf Gielen discusses the role of innovation in all of this, and Bob van der Zwaan and Hilke Rösler talk about whether we can foretell anything at all about that process. Are the billions of people without access to modern energy finally going to get connected and what policy does that take? Jan Cloin and Tineke Roholl reflect on this question, while Raouf Saidi and Rahul Barua wonder about the promise of improved cook stoves. Lastly, what does all this international development mean for climate change, and what institutions can matter? This is the question Heleen de Coninck asks.

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