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ECN publicatie:
Commercialisation BIVKIN-based gasification technology: non-confidential version
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN BM 1-8-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-080 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
56 Download PDF  (487kB)

In 1996, the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) in Petten,Netherlands, developed and built a circulating fluidized bed gasification process BIVKIN (Dutch abbreviation for biomass gasification installation) in co-operation with Novem, Afvalzorg and Stork. The plant was initially used at the ECN location in Petten for the characterisation of more than 15 different biomass species, including wood, sludge, grass and manure. During this test work, it was discovered that BIVKIN was an ideal tool for gasification of such diverse biomass at various thermal outputs. ECN has been conducting tests to improve the gas quality so that such fuel gas can be used for the generation of electricity by the use of a gas engine. In order to bring the BIVKIN technology to the commercial market, ECN, Shell and HoSt performed a study to evaluate the engineering concept and cost of such a design in detail. With this study, co-financed by Novem, the commercial viability of the BIVKIN technology in the electrical output range of 1 to 5 MW, is determined. For this relatively small scale, it is assumed that the extra positive cash flow due to selling the heat can compensate the higher investment per kW compared to large-scale systems where the produced heat generally cannot be used. This report is a reflection of the study to commercialise the BIVKIN technology. The BIVKIN-technology will be compared with alternative technologies commercially available for the power range under consideration. Both technical and economic evaluations will be presented. 12 refs.

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