MEDFLUX: development of an automatic deposition monitoring system
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ECN rapport
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The purpose of the MEDFLUX project is to validate the existingparametrizations of dry deposition of air pollutants in the different
ecosystems and climate conditions of southern Europe. The existing set-up of
the deposition monitoring stations developed for an earlier project (SREMP)
was extended to include vertical profiles of nitrogen oxides and
concentrations of nitric and nitrous acid. Extended measurement campaigns
were performed with the monitoring stations at locations in France, Portugal
and Spain at representative locations for the Mediterranean climate area.
Also an intercomparison project was organised near Madrid in Spain in May
1997. In this report a summary is given of the ECN contribution. At ECN the
additional instruments were selected and partly constructed, and a new data
acquisition system was built together with new software for data acquisition
and processing. Furthermore, the new set-up was installed at the measurement
sites and instructions of its use were given to the personnel. Also
assistance was given during the intercomparison experiment in 1997 in the
operation of the equipment and the data treatment. 15 refs.
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