Technologisch onderzoek RAS: bestralingen in de HFR [ECN-C--95-077]
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ECN rapport
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The purpose of the title irradiations is to study the efficiency andtechnical feasibility of possible transmutation processes for those
long-lived actinides and fission products, that contribute to long-term
radiotoxicity and leaking risks of geological storage. A cooperative research
program (EFFTRA or Experimental Feasibility of Targets for TRAnsmutation) has
been set up for irradiations of technetium, iodine and americium in the
thermal reactor HFR and the fast reactor Phenix. A radiation program for
fission products is in progress in the HFR. An inert matrix concept is
developed, in which the actinide is mixed with a ceramic material, which
hardly reacts with neutrons and actinides and containment materials.
Irradiation experiments with candidate inert matrices will be carried out in
the HFR. Also, the feasibility of transmutation of americium in a thermal
spectrum will be demonstrated by means of a long-range experiment in the HFR.
Plans are elaborated for the irradiation of plutonium in inert matrices in
the HFR to realize an efficient transmutation of existing supplies, both
military and civil, of plutonium. 8 figs., 4 tabs., 18 refs.
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