Modelling of a Biomass-Integrated-Gasifier/Combined-Cycle (BIG/CC)system with the flowsheet simulation programme ASPENplus: studyperformed within the framework of the extended JOULE-IIprogramme of EC DGXII contract JOU2-CT93-0397 "Energy frombiomass: an assessment of two promising systems for energyproduction"
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An ASPEN"p"l"u"s model of the title system has been set up, for the gasification of organic waste streams and residues, to produce electricity.
After evaluation of some main system components, concerning the drying of the
'wet' fuels and the clean-up of the produced fuel gas, a BIG/CC system has
been defined for further consideration. The modelled system consists of flue
gas drying of the 'wet' biomass fuels in a rotary drum dryer, gasification of
the 'dry' biomass fuels in an atmospheric circulating fluidized bed gasifier,
fuel gas clean-up in a 'wet' conventional low-temperature clean-up unit,
compression of the fuel gas to gas turbine specifications, combustion of the
fuel gas in a gas turbine and electricity production with an expander coupled
generator, steam production and superheating in a HRSG cooling the flue gas
produced by the gas turbine, and additional electricity production in the
steam/water cycle by a generator coupled to a partly condensing steam
turbine. The model of this BIG/CC system has been applied to evaluate the
influence of the kind of organic (waste) materials to be gasified on the
overall net system efficiency. It has been checked whether the fuel gases
produced, when gasifying a variety of organic materials, comply with the gas
turbine and HRSG hardware constraints, and if the flue gases emitted to the
atmosphere meet the Dutch emission constraints. The organic materials that
were taken into account are: poplar wood, verge grass, 'GFT' (green, fruit
and garden wastes), demolition wood, and a mixture of sludge and demolition
wood (20/80 weight% m.a.f.). The net overall energetic system efficiencies,
for the different organic materials are varying on a lower heating value
basis between 34.3 and 39.1 %, and between 27.1 and 35.0 % on a higher
heating value basis. The hardware constraints can easily be met, whereas the
Dutch emission constraints can be met after making some small modifications
to the fuel gas clean-up system. 8 figs., 18 tab., 6 appendices, 35 refs.
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