Role of CCS in the international climate regime
Hagemann, M.; Moltmann, S.; Palenberg, A.; Visser, E. de; Höhne, N.; Jung, M.; Bakker, S.J.A.
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In its recent roadmap the IEA argued that CCS, in order to be effective, needs to be implemented
on an international level. International cooperation is necessary to reduce costs, exchange ideas
with implementation issues learned from experience and increase CCS implementation in
developing countries. The aim of this study is to analyse ways to increase international
cooperation in order to roll out CCS globally in developed but also developing countries.
In this paper, we reviewed current international support mechanisms for CCS.
We conclude that it is promising to consider bilateral and multilateral country partnerships outside
the UNFCCC process. A review of existing CCS-related partnerships, undertaken within this
study, showed that a growing number of such partnerships exist. These processes tend to focus
on a limited number of issues, namely financing and implementation of R&D projects in the power
sector, general knowledge exchange and capacity building as well as broad regulatory studies,
and regions such as China. They do not sufficiently cover other important issues, such as
financing and the implementation of regulatory frameworks. Partnerships with countries other
than China, such as South Africa and India, are only small in size to this date.
We suggest three possible non-mutually exclusive pathways for CCS for the future. The first is to develop a sophisticated
technology mechanism for CCS. The goal of such a mechanism would be to coordinate
international efforts and to create a common voice for CCS. A second option is to use current or
create new bilateral partnerships that can be accounted as fast track financing under the
UNFCCC, which amounts to $30 billion USD until 2012. The third option is to create bilateral
initiatives between developed and developing countries that lead to a new type of carbon credits.
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